Thursday, April 3, 2008

Not Much to Say

My life is so un-exciting that I knew I would never be able to blog everyday. The most
exciting thing I did yesterday was get my nails done!! Brenda and her husband are coming
on the Cruise in March, so that's exciting for me.
I went to Wal-Mart (sorry Julie) and got some new rugs. Now, I know all you girls will be so
excited that I got new rugs!! That's my way of re-decorating! Anyway, I saw Judy Grover
there and we stood in the parking lot and talked for an hour! Judy is my oldest friend, clear
from Elementary, she was also my neighbor for ever. We decided all our old friends needed to
get together for lunch. So we are!
So, I have the Noorda grandkids today. I bought them a bunch of toys for the sandpile and
guess what they are playing with? A QVC box!! They are making a boat out of it and coloring
on it. I guess it's true - just give a kid a box and he can pley forever. Troy used to do that too
when he was a little boy.
Anyway, all of you have a good day today.


Kelli said...

Boxes are my kids favorite thing. What's nice is when they are done with it I can throw it away. Bytheway, they love spending time with their Nunn!!!

Meg & Josh said...

QVC Box? Starting them young....

Jill Johnson said...

I noticed it was that time of year for new sand toys. I need visitors, so I have a good excuse to buy some.

Keli said...

Okay, is it just me, or is everyone you know your "dearest and oldest friend"? I think you say that about everyone! How very sweet of you.

And of course it's a QVC box, what else would it be?

Yes, I did change your blog. You're welcome. I thought you'd enjoy the blue. If you get bored, let me know and I can change it in 2 seconds.

The Noorda Monkeys said...

hey girl! nice blog! uguys need to come and visit! there is lots of SUN! lol love ya! hope to see you soon!

Kelli said...

I may have played with boxes, but I made cool stuff like nuclear reactors and cold fusion chambers. And you didn't tell me you ran into Judy Grover. For those who don't know, Judy's daughter is named after our own Nunn!